Webinar library: Simulation

Watch recorded webinars and videos around Simulation. You can watch these at any time and learn more about the benefits of simulation for designers and engineers, and the use of different tools, like CFD and Nastran In-CAD.

Webinar library: Simulation
Designing and Analysing Offshore Containers/Baskets

More and more companies are now taking on simulation to help them optimise offshore containers before submitting for DNV 2.7-1 certification. This session will demonstrate how to setup and analyse a 4-point and a 2-point lift tests using Autodesk Nastran In-CAD.

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Indoor Air Quality - Human Comfort

CFD technology is now becoming more accessible to designers enabling them to simulate air flow and thus helping to design buildings with human comfort in mind. This session will demonstrate how to setup and analyse human comfort within a room using Autodesk CFD.

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Upfront Simulation – Simulation within product design
Today engineers need to find the winning balance between cost, performance, and reliability all while working within a limited amount of time. This session will demonstrate how to setup and analyse several different designs side by side to see performance and effect of changes more easily.

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Electronic Cooling – Electronic products and Datacentres

Within the field of electronic cooling, engineers and designers are faced with many challenges including smaller products, increasing performance, reducing costs and increased product lifespan. This session will demonstrate how to setup and analyse air flow and temperature results using Autodesk CFD.

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Valve Design – Predict pressure drops, avoid cavitation and erosion
Today engineers need to find the winning balance between cost, performance, and reliability all while working within a limited amount of time. This session will demonstrate how to setup and analyse several different designs side by side to see performance and effect of changes more easily.

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The BIM Summit by Symetri 2025

09 april 2025

 Vi är glada att redan nu kunna avslöja datumet för nästa års stora event The BIM Summit by Symetri. Boka in den 9 april i din kalender!

Hållbarhet och digitalisering i fokus på årets BIM Summit

07 mars 2025

Vilken roll kommer BIM att spela när hållbarhet får en allt större betydelse för design- och tillverkningsprocesserna samtidigt som AI ger oss nya möjligheter? Detta kommer vara fokus när bygg- och infrastrukturbranschens experter, beslutsfattare och specialister samlas den 9 april 2025 för årets stora branschevent. I år ses vi i både Stockholm, Oslo, London och digitalt!