Meet our employees

Helping customers work smarter - Jeanett Brosch

Jeanett works as a Customer Development Manager at our Copenhagen office where she manages customers and the Danish training portfolio.

Helping customers work smarter - Jeanett Brosch

When Jeanett started at Symetri in 2018 she quickly felt at home.

“It was a good start; it was easy to ask my colleagues at the office if I needed anything. I went to meet colleagues in Sweden to see the systems and learn how to make the right workflows for our customers,” she says. “And I also went to OTx right when I started, and it was a great way to learn more about Autodesk and meet some more colleagues from other countries.”

As a customer development Manager, Jeanett’s workday revolves around helping customers with their training needs by managing Symetri’s Danish training portfolio and helping primary Contractor customers in Denmark to develop their BIM workflows.

“I keep in contact with our customers to see what their needs are, and I also coordinate with my colleagues in other countries to keep our training offering up to date.”

The biggest project Jeanett has been involved in so far is updating the Danish training model.

“I’ve been working with colleagues in the UK to update our Danish training model to be more modular based, like we do in the UK. I saw a potential for that to fit better in Denmark,” she says. “This way our customers can build their course plan with more freedom so that it fits the person and the company needs”

This project was started by Jeanett herself.

“I have a lot of good ideas if I can say so myself” she says with a laugh. “It was a good plan, and it’s done something special here.”

Connecting with customers

To Jeanett, the best part of the job is helping customers.

“As a Customer development Manager, I help them work smarter, and it’s more or less the same in the training business – they learn how to be more effective,” she says.

And being part of a large company supports that mission.

“I like being at a large company, but in a smaller department. We have some power – being big, but we can still connect with the customers on a personal level.”

Apart from supporting customers, the growth opportunities and team spirit are what sets Symetri apart as an employer to Jeanett.

“There is a good team spirit at Symetri, and I like it when we all come together for kick-offs. There is a great sense of community.” She says. “Working at Symetri it’s easy to get heard and it’s possible to grow and get more experience and responsibility.”

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