Revit Architecture Basic - English
Benefits of Revit Architecture Basic – English
Become capable of setting up and designing your own architectural projects
You get a solid base to start from
With new knowledge you increase your value in your company
Expected outcome
The vision after the course is that you should be able to independently participate in a project with other more experienced users or with supervision to lead a Revit project. After completing the course, you can log in to your personal student account and download a personal certificate.

Training at Symetri
We know that efficient training can contribute to increased productivity and that investing in competence is as important as investing in the right software. Our trainers are well educated and technically competent and have long and broad experience.
Anmäl intresseKontakta oss

Cecilia Hermansson
Kommande kursdatum
Det finns inga schemalagda kurstillfällen för denna kurs.
Vi har inte några inplanerade tillfällen för denna kurs. Du kan anmäla ditt intresse för att vara den första som vet när nästa kurs kommer att hållas.
Ditt meddelande har mottagits.
Vi kommer kontakta dig inom kort.