Revit Architecture Basic - English

The basic course Revit Architecture in english gives you a solid base to start from. From the basic features such as walls, doors, and drawings to the more advanced parts to glass curtain walls and stairs.

Course content for Revit Architecture Basic - English

  • Basic modelling, the Revit system, editing and view management
  • Create a new project, the Revit graphical user interface
  • Walls, doors, windows, roofs, floors, ceilings, furnishings and rooms
  • The Revit Hierarchy, modification tools as copy, mirror, rotate
  • Views - plans, elevations, sections, sheets and worksharing
  • Link and export DWG and other formats
  • Wall layers, sweeps and reveals, curtain walls, stairs & railings
  • Design Options for alternative solutions in 3D
  • Create your own parametric family
  • Model-in-place, topographies, shadow studies, rendering
  • Conceptual mass modelling

Benefits of Revit Architecture Basic – English

You gain a deeper understanding of Revit Architecture
Become capable of setting up and designing your own architectural projects
You get a solid base to start from
With new knowledge you increase your value in your company

Expected outcome

The vision after the course is that you should be able to independently participate in a project with other more experienced users or with supervision to lead a Revit project. After completing the course, you can log in to your personal student account and download a personal certificate. 

Expected outcome

Training at Symetri

We know that efficient training can contribute to increased productivity and that investing in competence is as important as investing in the right software. Our trainers are well educated and technically competent and have long and broad experience.

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