Symetri lotsar dig genom Autodesks nya process för licensköp

Autodesk har meddelat att de från och med den 16 september 2024 ändrar processen för hur du köper dina Autodesk-licenser. Detta i syfte att förenkla och förbättra köpupplevelsen för dig som kund.

Den nya processen innebär att du fortfarande vänder dig till oss på Symetri för råd och vägledning om vilka lösningar som passar bäst utifrån dina behov. Det är även vi på Symetri som skickar dig en offert utifrån detta. Den faktiska beställningen och betalningstransaktionen för dina Autodesk-licenser kommer däremot att ske direkt mellan dig och Autodesk. Det är fortsatt till oss på Symetri du vänder dig efter licensinköp, exempelvis för att få supporthjälp. Processen för att köpa Symetris egenutvecklade lösningar Naviate, Sovelia och CQ liksom support, utbildning och konsulttjänster eller annan tredjepartsprogramvara är oförändrad.  

Nedan hittar du svar på vanliga frågor. Kontakta din säljrepresentant på Symetri eller ring 08-704 22 00 om du har några frågor eller funderingar gällande den nya processen.

Vi ser fram emot att hjälpa dig att arbeta smartare genom denna förändring.

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Autodesk is moving to a new buying process for the majority of its subscription sales. In this new process, Autodesk solution providers like Symetri are still involved in all phases of the pre-and post-sales experience except for the actual order and payment transaction which will now happen directly between you and Autodesk, as it does with Flex today

On November 13, 2023, Autodesk launched this new process to customers who purchase subscriptions in Australia. Following a successful trial, Autodesk has decided to roll this out globally during FY25/26 (calendar year 2024 & 2025). 

  • New Zealand transitioned on March 4th, 2024
  • US transitioned on June 10th , 2024
  • EMEA will transition on 16th September, 2024.

The current buying process is not optimised, so Autodesk is on a journey to streamline and improve their customer experience.  

  • Autodesk is modernising its business to better support its customers and their design & make processes. 
  • Personalised experience - direct interaction with you will provide deeper insights and understanding and enable the provision of personalised experiences tailored to your needs. 
  • Predictable pricing – you can feel confident in a consistent price regardless of how you buy. 
  • Streamlined process – simplify and expedite your buying and renewal experience with self-serve capabilities if required

Research has shown a trend towards the consumerisation of the B2B buyer experience, with customers like yourselves demanding quicker and easier access to subscriptions.  

Autodesk states this new process has three core benefits: 

  • A simpler way to receive purchase and service recommendations tailored to your needs. 
  • Consistent pricing no matter how you buy. 
  • Self-service capabilities for added control and convenience. 

We see this as a positive step forward in the evolution of your Autodesk subscription buying experience. This new process will also allow us to focus more on listening to you, delivering insight, and helping solve your problems.

In the new buying process, we (Symetri) will still provide advice and guidance on the best-fit solutions for your needs and provide you with a quotation, but the actual order and payment transaction for your Autodesk subscriptions will now happen directly between you and Autodesk. Symetri will still have responsibility for all post-sales activities such as onboarding and support. The process for buying other third-party software, Symetri Tech, or our own services remains unchanged. 


There are a number of ways to find out more about these changes: 

  • Watch a video here with a full explanation of the changes that will come into effect on 16 of September. 
  • You can find an infographic [here] with simple steps on the actions you need to take to prepare for the changes ahead.  
  • Join one of our live webinars here to understand more and get your queries answered via a Q&A session.  
  • Get in touch with your account manager to learn more.  

There will be a couple of steps you need to take to prepare for the changes ahead. Full details on this can be found in an infographic here. Alternatively, get in touch with your account manager.  


You can continue to use all your subscriptions as before, nothing is changing in this regard. 

Please contact your account manager or email


Yes, your quote is still valid for the term stated at the bottom of your quote.  

Symetri will still be your first point of contact to discuss your needs and configure a quote, but the final quote for the Autodesk elements of your order will be emailed to you by Autodesk.  You will then need to confirm that order by clicking on the link in the email.  

Yes, any orders we have recently received will be processed and fulfilled in the normal way.  

The process for making amendments varies depending on the type of amendment you wish to make.   

  1. Returns/Cancellations: If you wish to return your Autodesk purchase, you will need to submit a return request on their portal. Please note that requests for returns must be made within 30 days of purchase for a full refund or, for monthly subscriptions, within 15 days of purchase. Please be aware that refunds are not permitted for purchases that hold a unique legal agreement. 
  1. Add Seats: If you require an additional subscription, please get in touch with your account manager and they can provide a quotation for you. 
  1. Need Help: Your Symetri account manager is available to guide and support you throughout your subscription buying process. Don't hesitate to contact them for assistance or clarification.

You can edit your renewal settings at any time utilising the self-serve tools on your Autodesk account or by contacting your dedicated Symetri account manager for assistance. 

The following changes can be made utilising the self-serve tools within your Autodesk Account:   

  • Add Seats   
  • Reduce Seats (for next renewal)  
  • Early Renew  
  • Turn Auto-Renew ON or OFF  

Yes, auto-renewal is already turned on. Keeping auto-renew on ensures that your subscription remains active and access to products and services is uninterrupted.  You will receive a reminder with the renewal date and price prior to payment processing.   

You can edit your renewal settings at any time utilising the self-serve tools on your Autodesk account or by contacting your dedicated Symetri account manager for assistance.

Every organisation has its own processes and procedures for transacting with a new supplier.  Make sure you speak to your procurement or finance teams to understand what they will need for you to transact with Autodesk.

All the information you need to set Autodesk up as a supplier on your system, ready for payment transactions can be found here.

If you have any issues or more information is needed, please contact your account manager at Symetri. We will be able to help submit a request on your behalf.  


You do not need to change the account details for Symetri. This will still be in use when you purchase other third-party products, Symetri Tech or services from Symetri. However, for your Autodesk purchases you will need to be able to pay Autodesk directly and will need to use their payment details to do so. Click here.

Every organisation has its own processes and procedures for transacting with a new supplier.  Make sure you speak to your procurement or finance teams to understand what they will need for you to transact with Autodesk.

All the information you need to set Autodesk up as a supplier on your system, ready for payment transaction can be found here.

If you have any issues or more information is needed, please contact your account manager at Symetri. We will be able to help submit a request on your behalf.

Yes. Customers who select "Pay by invoice" can now add purchase order information to their orders.

The most common payment types include:

  • Invoice – 30-day payment terms available subject to your account approval 
  • Direct Debit 
  • PayPal 
  • Credit Card 

Please note that any orders under £1000 will need to be paid by credit card, direct debit or PayPal.

*Payment options may differ by country.

To avoid losing access to your software, it's important to settle any outstanding balances as soon as possible. Here's what happens if your payment is late for an Auto-Renew subscription:

  • 16 days past the renewal date: If your payment isn't received within 16 days of your renewal date, your access to the software will be suspended.  
  • 30 days after suspension: Your subscription will remain suspended for 30 days. This gives you time to make the payment and regain access.  
  • 46 days past the renewal date (Important!): If your payment remains unpaid for 46 days after the renewal date, your subscription will be cancelled. Unfortunately, at this point, you won't be able to renew your old subscription and will need to purchase a new one at the current price.

If your subscription agreement includes Net 30 terms, this means you have 30 days from the invoice date to make a payment.   

  • 16 days after the Net 30 term ends: If your payment isn't received within 16 days after the 30-day payment window closes, your access to the software will be suspended.
  • 30 days after suspension: Your subscription will remain suspended for 30 days. This gives you time to make the payment and regain access.
  • 46 days past the invoice date (Important!): If your payment remains unpaid for 46 days after the invoice date, your subscription will be canceled. Unfortunately, you won't be able to renew your old subscription and will need to purchase a new one at the current price. 

There are a couple of ways you can finance your software purchase: 

  • Autodesk Financing: Autodesk offers financing options for annual and 3-year subscriptions of $4,500 or more. You can find details and apply online through Autodesk Terms and Payments.  
  • Third-Party Financing: You can also explore financing options from independent lenders or financial institutions. This can offer more flexibility in terms, rates, and minimum purchase amounts.  
  • Before making a decision, be sure to compare rates and terms from different lenders to find the option that best suits your needs. 
  • Please speak to your dedicated account manager to gain a better understanding of your financing options.


The Symetri terms and conditions for existing contracts will remain the same, and for future purchases of Symetri Tech, other third-party products and services.

For purchases made directly with Autodesk via the new buying process, you will need to agree to Autodesk’s Terms of Use. 

Autodesk’s Terms of Use can be found here 


You will retain your Symetri account manager who will provide advice and guidance on which Autodesk products, and other technologies, best suits your needs and arrange a quotation.  

Please contact your account manager or email our Sales Support team at

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