Hur kan ETO- och CTO-företag dra nytta av ett PLM-system?
Nyckeln till att skapa maximal affärsnytta för tillverkningsföretag, oberoende av orderhantering liksom tillverkningssätt stavas PLM.
We have had many questions this year from customers who have upgraded to the new Industry Collections using multi-seat licenses. Many of these questions have been around borrowing licenses and in what way this process works differently to the old design suites.
With Industry Collections each product registers that it has taken a license of its own. The new collections allow 2 products to be run per license however this is managed by the Network License Manager. However, the ability to run 2 products per license is not the case when licenses are borrowed. Currently, when a licenses is borrowed each product in the collection will consume a license individually.
This means that if a user needs AutoCAD, Inventor and Nastran then 3 Collection licenses are consumed rather than one that would be when using the Suites.
Autodesk have told us that they are looking into this; we will update customers when we have more information.
If you have questions or need advice with this then please contact the Symetri's support team.
Nyckeln till att skapa maximal affärsnytta för tillverkningsföretag, oberoende av orderhantering liksom tillverkningssätt stavas PLM.
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In this guide, we'll explain what a BOM is, how it works, and why it's a critical tool for product success. Whether you're a beginner or looking to optimize your BOM processes, this is your ultimate resource.