Hur kan ETO- och CTO-företag dra nytta av ett PLM-system?
Nyckeln till att skapa maximal affärsnytta för tillverkningsföretag, oberoende av orderhantering liksom tillverkningssätt stavas PLM.
Sometimes we are asked the important question of PLM's and ERP's roles in a company's business. Below you can find some of the differences and role of these systems in high level.
ERP system is a business management tool used to fulfill the needs of many facets of a company including; finance and accounting, distribution, human resources, customer service and manufacturing operation.
PLM manages |
ERP manages |
Importance of the PLM and ERP business systems will vary during the product lifecycle. Where ERP has a main focus on managing current production phase, PLM will have an important role from product definition, information management to the delivered products and service business development, during the lifecycle.
When you wish to explore more about PLM our free eBook: Three reasons to consider PLM might be of help.
Nyckeln till att skapa maximal affärsnytta för tillverkningsföretag, oberoende av orderhantering liksom tillverkningssätt stavas PLM.
Känner du till de 7 viktigaste anledningarna till att skaffa sig en utbildning? Om inte, läs vidare i den här bloggen där vi utforskar varför rätt kompetens är avgörande för din karriär.
In this guide, we'll explain what a BOM is, how it works, and why it's a critical tool for product success. Whether you're a beginner or looking to optimize your BOM processes, this is your ultimate resource.