Hur kan ETO- och CTO-företag dra nytta av ett PLM-system?
Nyckeln till att skapa maximal affärsnytta för tillverkningsföretag, oberoende av orderhantering liksom tillverkningssätt stavas PLM.
As part of their iLogic design Automation, one of our clients asked for some code today to swap Autodesk Inventor sketch blocks within their part sketches as they pick different options within their dialog boxes.
I remembered I'd had the same request a few years ago and dregged up my old code and found a video of it ... Do you remember when Inventor looked like this?
I thought this code could still be of use to more than one of you and so here is the basic version of it:
'Symetri iLogic
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oCompDef As PartComponentDefinition
oCompDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oSketches As PlanarSketches
oSketches = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition.Sketches
Dim oSketch As PlanarSketch
oSketch = oSketches.Item(“Profile”)
Dim oSketchBlockDef As SketchBlockDefinition
oSketchBlockDef = oCompDef.SketchBlockDefinitions.Item(TABLE_PROFILE)
Dim oPosition As Point2d
oPosition = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(0, 0)
’ Insert the sketch block definition
oSketch.SketchBlocks.AddByDefinition(oSketchBlockDef, oPosition)
If its of interest and you want to push it further then please get in touch. I do love a good bit of Automation awesomeness! ;)
iLogic is part of Autodesk Inventor and Inventor Professional.
Nyckeln till att skapa maximal affärsnytta för tillverkningsföretag, oberoende av orderhantering liksom tillverkningssätt stavas PLM.
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In this guide, we'll explain what a BOM is, how it works, and why it's a critical tool for product success. Whether you're a beginner or looking to optimize your BOM processes, this is your ultimate resource.