Align Viewports (By Grids)

Placing Viewports on Sheets in Revit is quite simple, and it's getting better and better with every release of Revit and Naviate - however adjusting existing ones to match each other is a different task all together. This is an experimental solution to use the intersection of Grids as reference.

Align Viewports (By Grids)


  • Select Sheets with placed viewports on them in the Project Browser before starting the application
  • Select the Master Sheet against which all the other Sheets will be matched against 
  • Select a desired Grid intersection to align to and press Align Viewports
  • The rows will show green color afterwards to indicate that the positions are identical

Please Note

  • Ensure that you only select Sheets (collapse the Project Browser) before starting the command
  • The Viewports must be Plan Views (other types will be ignored)
  • There must be visible Grids on the Viewports (and they need to intersect another Grid)
  • Only the first Viewport is processed
  • If the dialog window is empty - ensure that your Sheets fulfill the above requirements
  • If your Titleblocks are not in the identical position the placement will be incorrect - ensure that they are using Naviate Edit Sheet Parameters
  • The application is available in Revit 2023-2025

Technical Support / Requests

You may contact us at or reach out to your favorite Symetri associate! 

Revision History

v0.1.0 2024.12.11
Initial Release

Please Note

The software solutions published at Symetri Labs are provided free of charge but with the understanding that they are experimental. They not only might have issues - they certainly will have.
Please take care, verify results, backup your data and reach out to us whenever you find issues.

At any time the software might change or even dissappear, we might update, bugfix, enhance and we might not. It might appear in Naviate or it might not.

Please Refer to the Symetri Labs EULA before downloading.

The Break Up Family Application

29 juli 2024

The Break Up Family application is an add-in for Revit to split, unnest or Break Up combined families into their nested components. It's a big time saver when working with office furniture, hospital or bathroom equipment.